Sharjeel Khan

Software Engineer @ Google
Mountain View, CA

Recent Updates

  • [Jan 2025] [Paper] Our paper, Tackling ML-based Dynamic Mispredictions using Statically Computed Invariants for Attack Surface Reduction, got accepted to ASPLOS 2025.
  • [Dec 2024] [Career] I began my job in the Android LLVM team at Google.
  • [Nov 2024] [Paper] Our paper, ASDF: A Compiler for Qwerty, a Basis-Oriented Quantum Programming Language, got accepted to CGO 2025.
  • [Sep 2024] [Paper] Our paper, Real-time Digital RF Emulation - II: A Near Memory Custom Accelerator, got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems 2024.
  • [Sep 2024] [Paper] Our paper, Real-time Digital RF Emulation - I: The Direct Path Computational Model, got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Radar Systems 2024.
  • [May 2024] [Career] I proposed my thesis "A System for Faster Software Verification and Better Compiler Optimizations through Symbiosis" and officially became a PhD candidate.
  • [Mar 2024] [Paper] Our paper, Pythia: Compiler-Guided Defense Against Non-Control Data Attacks, got accepted to ASPLOS 2024.
  • [Oct 2023] [Talk] I gave a lightning talk about validating orderfiles at the LLVM Developers Meeting.
  • [Sep 2023] [Paper] Our paper, Beacons: A End-to-End Compiler Framework for Predicting and Utilizing Dynamic Loop Characteristics, got accepted to OOPSLA 2023.
  • [May 2023] [Career] I began my internship in the Android LLVM team at Google.
  • [Oct 2023] [Paper] Our paper, Decker: Attack Surface Reduction via On-demand Code Mapping, got accepted to ASPLOS 2023.
  • [Jan 2023] [Paper] Our paper, A High Performance Computing Architecture for Real-Time Digital Emulation of RF Interactions, got accepted to RadarConf 2023.
  • [June 2022] [Paper] Our paper, Com-CAS: Effective Cache Apportioning under Compiler Guidance, got accepted to PACT 2022.
  • [May 2022] [Career] I began my internship in the Redex team at Meta.
  • [Apr 2022] [Paper] Our paper, VICO : Demand-driven Verification for Improving Compiler Optimizations, got accepted to ICS 2022.
  • [Apr 2022] [Career] I was chosen as President of the School of Computer Science Graduate Student Association.

About Me

Hey, my name is Sharjeel Khan. I am a Software Engineer at Google working on the Android LLVM Toolchain team. I help maintain and release the Android LLVM Compiler Toolchain to first-party developers and to external developers through the Android Native Development Kits (NDKs).

I was a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate at Georgia Institute of Technology working with Dr. Santosh Pande . My research interests was in the intersection of programming languages, security, and compilers research. Before I started my Ph.D., I was a Research Assistant at Carnegie Mellon University working under Dr. Iliano Cervesato and Dr. Giselle Reis . I also did my Bachelors in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University.

My hobbies range from playing video games (currently Dave the Diver), watching TV shows (currently High Potential), reading manga (One Piece), or trying out new restaurants. In addition, I love to travel to new countries and meet new people. I have been to around 20+ countries and 40+ cities. My most recent trip was to San Diego, California to present my paper at ASPLOS.


Conference Papers
Tackling ML-based Dynamic Mispredictions using Statically Computed Invariants for Attack Surface Reduction
Chris Porter*, Sharjeel Khan* , and Santosh Pande.
ASDF: A Compiler for Qwerty, a Basis-Oriented Quantum Programming Language
Austin J. Adams, Sharjeel Khan , Arjun Bhamra, Ryan Abusaada, Anthony M. Cabrera, Cameron Hoechst, Travis S. Humble, Jeffrey S. Young, and Thomas M. Conte.
CGO 2025
Pythia: Compiler-Guided Defense Against Non-Control Data Attacks
Sharjeel Khan , Bodhisatwa Chatterjee, and Santosh Pande.
Beacons: A End-to-End Compiler Framework for Predicting and Utilizing Dynamic Loop Characteristics
Girish Mururu*, Sharjeel Khan* , Bodhisatwa Chatterjee*, Chao Chen, Chris Porter, Ada Gavrilovska, and Santosh Pande. (* Authors contributed equally )
A High Performance Computing Architecture for Real-Time Digital Emulation of RF Interactions
Mandovi Mukherjee, Nael Mizanur Rahman, Coleman DeLude, Joseph Driscoll, Uday Kamal, Jongseok Woo, Jamin Seo, Sudarshan Sharma, Xiangyu Mao, Payman Behnam, Sharjeel Khan , Daehyun Kim, Jianming Tong, Prachi Sinha, Santosh Pande, Tushar Krishna, Justin Romberg, Madhavan Swaminathan, and Saibal Mukhopadhyay.
RadarConf 2023
Decker: Attack Surface Reduction via On-demand Code Mapping
Chris Porter, Sharjeel Khan , and Santosh Pande.
Com-CAS: Effective Cache Apportioning under Compiler Guidance
Bodhisatwa Chatterjee, Sharjeel Khan , and Santosh Pande.
PACT 2022
VICO : Demand-driven Verification for Improving Compiler Optimizations
Sharjeel Khan , Bodhisatwa Chatterjee, and Santosh Pande.
ICS 2022

Journal Papers
Real-time Digital RF Emulation - II: A Near Memory Custom Accelerator
Xiangyu Mao*, Mandovi Mukherjee*, Nael Mizanur Rahman*, Coleman DeLude*, Joseph Driscoll*, Sudarshan Sharma, Payman Behnam, Uday Kamal, Jongseok Woo, Daehyun Kim, Sharjeel Khan , Jianming Tong, Jamin Seo, Prachi Sinha, Madhavan Swaminathan, Tushar Krishna, Santosh Pande, Justin Romberg, and Saibal Mukhopadhyay. (* Authors contributed equally )
IEEE Transactions on
Radar Systems 2024
Real-time Digital RF Emulation - I: The Direct Path Computational Model
Coleman DeLude*, Joseph Driscoll*, Mandovi Mukherjee*, Nael Mizanur Rahman*, Xiangyu Mao, Uday Kamal, Sharjeel Khan , Hariharan Sivaraman, Eric Huang, Jeffrey McHarg, Madhavan Swaminathan, Santosh Pande, Saibal Mukhopadhyay, and Justin Romberg. (* Authors contributed equally )
IEEE Transactions on
Radar Systems 2024

Workshop Papers
Formalization of Automated Trading Systems in a Concurrent Linear Framework
Iliano Cervesato, Sharjeel Khan , Giselle Reis, and Dragisa Zunic.
Linearity &
TLLA Workshop 2018

Phaedrus: Exploring Dynamic Application Behavior with Lightweight Generative Models and Large-Language Models
Bodhisatwa Chatterjee, Neeraj Jadhav, Sharjeel Khan , and Santosh Pande.
Technical Report
Qwerty: A Basis-Oriented Quantum Programming Language
Austin J. Adams, Sharjeel Khan , Jeffrey Young, and Thomas M. Conte.
Technical Report
Practical compilation of fexprs using partial evaluation
Nathan Braswell, Sharjeel Khan , and Santosh Pande.
Biscuit: A Compiler Assisted Scheduler for Detecting and Mitigating Cache-Based Side Channel Attacks
Sharjeel Khan , Girish Mururu, and Santosh Pande.
